Chronology of the Fort Sumter Crisis
Two other sources of value which were often cited by Catton, Current, Nevins, or Swanberg, but which the site publisher has not seen himself, are: Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie, by Abner Doubleday; and The Genesis of the Civil War: The Story of Sumter, by Samuel Crawford. Both Doubleday and Crawford were officers in the Fort Sumter garrison. (Note: Most of the photographs of the military officers here were taken long after these events, and so they are photos of the men at a higher rank than they held at this time.) |
Date: |
Events: |
Nov. 6, 1860 | Abraham Lincoln wins election as 16th President of the United States. |
Nov. 8, 1860 | Col. John L. Gardner, commanding United States forces in Charleston Harbor, orders Capt. Truman Seymour, of his command, to transfer arms from the Charleston arsenal to Fort Moultire. The shipment is blocked by Charleston civilians. | |||||
Nov. 15, 1860 | Maj. Robert Anderson is ordered to assume command of the United States forces in Charleston Harbor, replacing Col. Gardner. |
Nov. 22, 1860 | Maj. Anderson arrives in Charleston. |
Nov. 23, 1860 | Anderson requests reinforcements from the War Department. | |||||
Dec. 4, 1860 | President Buchanan's Fourth Annual Message read to Congress. | |||||
Dec. 8, 1860 | President Buchanan meets with four members of the South Carolina Congressional delegation. | |||||
Dec. 11, 1860 | Maj.
Don Carlos Buell arrives in Charleston with verbal orders for Anderson.
Buell makes a written memorandum of the verbal orders. |
Dec. 17, 1860 | South
Carolina Governor Francis Pickens requests permission of President
Buchanan to send a garrison of no more than 25 men to Fort
Sumter. |
Lt. J.G. Foster, of the Federal garrison, draws 40 muskets from the Federal arsenal in Charleston. |
Dec. 19, 1860 | Foster is ordered by the Secretary of War, John Floyd, to return the muskets, which he does. |
Dec. 20, 1860 | South Carolina
convention passes an ordinance of secession.
Secretary of War Floyd orders 125 heavy cannon to be shipped from Pittsburgh to incomplete fortifications in the Deep South. |
Dec. 25, 1860 | Buchanan learns of Floyd's efforts to ship cannon to southern forts, and countermands the orders. |
Dec. 26, 1860 | Maj. Anderson moves his command from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. | |||||
Dec. 27, 1860 | Gov. Pickens demands that Anderson return to Fort Moultrie; Anderson refuses. South Carolina troops occupy Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney. | |||||
Dec. 28, 1860 | Gen. Winfield Scott writes to President Buchanan, advocating the sending of reinforcements to Fort Sumter. |
Dec. 29, 1860 | Floyd resigns as Secretary of War. | |||||
Dec. 30, 1860 | South Carolina seizes
the Charleston Arsenal.
Gen. Scott again writes to Buchanan, urging the reinforcement of Fort Sumter. |
Dec. 31, 1860 | Postmaster-General Joseph Holt named Secretary
of War, replacing Floyd.
President Buchanan refuses to order Maj. Anderson back to Fort Moultrie, and instead issues orders to send reinforcements and provisions to him at Fort Sumter. |
Jan. 2, 1860 | South Carolina seizes Fort Johnson, in Charleston Harbor. | |||||
Jan. 5, 1860 | The Star of the West sails from New York with 250 recruits and supplies for Fort Sumter on board. |
Jan. 7, 1861 | The House of Representatives passes a resolution supporting Maj. Anderson's shift from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. | |||||
Jan. 8, 1861 | Secretary of the Interior Jacob Thompson, the last Southerner in Buchanan's Cabinet, resigns, but not before he telegraphs South Carolina officials about the mission of the Star of the West. | |||||
Jan. 9, 1861 | The Star of the West is fired upon as it enters Charleston Harbor, and is driven off. | |||||
Jan. 11, 1861 | South Carolina demands that Maj. Anderson surrender Fort Sumter; he refuses. | |||||
Jan. 13, 1861 | J.W. Hayne, commissioner from South Carolina to the United States, arrives in Washington to negotiate the status of Fort Sumter. | |||||
Jan. 14, 1861 | Virginia'a legislature calls for a secession convention. | |||||
Jan. 19, 1861 | Virginia invites states to a convention in Washington, to propose compromise measures aimed at solving the crisis. This leads to the so-called Washington Peace Conference. | |||||
Feb. 1, 1861 | South Carolina's demand that Fort Sumter be turned over to the state is presented to President Buchanan by Commissioner Hayne. | |||||
Feb. 4, 1861 | Washington Peace Conference opens.
Virginia holds elections for delegates to her secession convention, with outright secessionists losing badly. |
Feb. 6, 1861 | Secretary of War Holt informs Hayne that under no circumstances will Fort Sumter be surrendered. | |||||
Feb. 8, 1861 | The provisional Constitution of the Confederate States of America is approved in Montgomery, Alabama. The next day, Jefferson Davis would be elected as provisional President, and Alexander Stephens as provisional Vice-President. |
Feb. 9, 1861 | Tennessee rejects a call for a secession
convention by a vote of 68,000 to 59,500.
The U.S.S. Brooklyn arrives at Fort Pickens, off of Pensacola, Florida, carrying reinforcements. |
Feb. 11, 1861 | Lincoln leaves Springfield, Illinois, for Washington, D.C. He stops overnight in Indianapolis where he speaks to a crowd outside his hotel. | |||||
Feb. 12, 1861 | Lincoln travels to Cincinnati, where he again speaks to a crowd at his hotel. | |||||
Feb. 13, 1861 | Lincoln addresses the state legislature in
Columbus, Ohio.
Virginia secession convention opens. |
Feb. 14, 1861 | Lincoln leaves Columbus for Pittsburgh; after giving a speech he leaves for Cleveland. | |||||
Feb. 16, 1861 | Lincoln leaves Cleveland for Buffalo, New York. | |||||
Feb. 18, 1861 |
Brig. Gen. David
Twiggs surrenders the United States troops in Texas to the state
Lincoln leaves Buffalo for Albany and a speech before the New York legislature. |
Feb. 19, 1861 | Lincoln leaves Albany for New York City. | |||||
Feb. 20, 1861 | In a meeting with Mayor Fernando Wood of New York, Lincoln says, "There is nothing that can ever bring me willingly to consent to the destruction of this Union." | |||||
Feb. 21, 1861 | The Lincoln party leaves New York for Philadelphia. | |||||
Feb. 22, 1861 | Lincoln addresses Washington's Birthday celebration at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, then leaves for Harrisburg, where he learns of suspected threats against him in Baltimore. | |||||
Feb. 23, 1861 | After an all night train ride in secret, Lincoln arrives in Washington. | |||||
Feb. 27, 1861 | Final day of the Washington Peace Conference.
Lincoln meets with delegation from the Peace Conference, and offers to evacuate Fort Sumter if the Virginia secession convention adjourns. Confederate President Davis appoints three commissioners (Martin Crawford, John Forsyth, and A.B. Roman) to negotiate with the Federal government. |
Feb. 28, 1861 | North Carolina rejects a call for a secession convention. | |||||
March 1, 1861 |
assigns Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard to the command of C.S. forces in
Charleston Harbor.
March 3, 1861 |
Beauregard arrives in
Gen. Winfield Scott writes to Secretary of State (designate) William Seward that he does not think Fort Sumter can be relieved. |
March 4, 1861 |
Lincoln sworn in as the 16th President of the United States; in his
inauguration speech, he pledges "to hold, occupy, and possess the property
and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and
Secretary of War Holt receives word from Maj. Anderson that, without 20,000 men in reinforcements, he cannot hold Fort Sumter; additionally, his supplies will not allow him to hold out for much longer than six weeks. This note is communicated to President Lincoln on March 5th. Gov. Pickens of South Carolina telegraphs the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia: "Please send 400 shells for Dahlgren guns in addition to those already ordered." |
March 8, 1861 |
Confederate Commissioners, using California Sen. William Gwin as an
intermediary, send a memo to Secretary of State Seward, proposing to
delay action against Fort Sumter for 20 days in return for a promise
that the existing military position would be preserved.
March 9, 1861 |
meeting of Lincoln's Cabinet. The President asks General Scott's
opinion as to how long Anderson can hold out, and whether or not Fort
Sumter can be relieved. The consensus is that the fort should be
March 11, 1861 |
Scott replies to Lincoln, saying that Anderson had hard bread, rice,
and flour for only 26 days, and salt meat for 48; and to relieve the
fort it would take a force of 25,000 men, adding, "As a practical
military question the time for succoring Fort Sumter with any means at
hand had passed away nearly a month ago. Since then a surrender under
assault or from starvation has been merely a question of time."
March 14, 1861 | Associate Justice John Campbell, acting as intermediary between the Confederate commissioners and Secretrary of State Seward, tells Seward that hostilities might break out at any moment. |
March 15, 1861 |
Lincoln's Cabinet declines to support an
expedition to relieve Fort Sumter; only Postmaster General Montgomery
Blair is opposed to evacuation.
Justice Campbell tells Commissioner Crawford that Sumter will be evacuated in five days. |
March 18, 1861 |
Brig. Gen. Braxton Bragg, commanding at Pensacola, cuts off passage of
supplies to Fort Pickens.
Arkansas secession convention votes 39 to 35 against
secession, but then votes unanimously to put the
secession question before the people of the state in an August
March 19, 1861 |
Lincoln asks General Scott to send a "competent person" to Charleston
in order to obtain "accurate information in regard to the command of
Major Anderson in Fort Sumter." Scott selects Assistant Secretary of
the Navy Gustavus Fox.
March 21, 1861 |
Fox visits Charleston and Fort Sumter, where
Maj. Anderson tells him he can hold out until April 15, and that no
relief effort could succeed.
March 22, 1861 | Stephen Hurlbut and Ward Hill Lamon, two Illinois acquaintences of Lincoln's, leave Washington for Charleston on a mission from Lincoln. |
March 24-25, 1861 |
visits old friends in Charleston and talks at length with James
Petigru, who considers himself the only Unionist remaining in
Charleston. Lamon meets with Gov. Pickens and is allowed out to Fort
Sumter to see Maj. Anderson. Lamon gives the impression to everyone he
meets that Fort Sumter is to be evacuated. The two men leave Charleston for the return
trip on the evening of the 25th.
March 28, 1861 | Lincoln's Cabinet, meeting informally after a state dinner, reverses itself, decides to send a relief expedition to Charleston Harbor. | |||||
March 29, 1861 | Lincoln orders a relief expedition for Fort Sumter to be organized. | |||||
March 31, 1861 | Lincoln orders a relief expedition for Fort Pickens to be organized. | |||||
April 1, 1861 |
Gen. Beauregard telegraphs his government that his batteries would
all be in place in a few days, and asks, "What instructions?"
April 4, 1861 |
(11:00 a.m.)
Lincoln meets with Virginia Unionist John Baldwin, and allegedly offers
to evacuate Fort Sumter if Virginia's secession convention will
adjourn. (The evidence on this matter is controversial.)
(Afternoon) The Virginia secession convention votes 89-45 against an ordinance of secession. Later in the day Lincoln orders the relief expedition to Fort Sumter to go ahead. |
April 6, 1861 |
sends a special messenger to Gov. Pickens of South Carolina, informing
him of the mission of the relief expedition, and promising him that if
no resistence is offered, no troops, arms or ammunition would be moved
into the fort.
April 7, 1861 | Beauregard cuts off
Fort Sumter's mail and daily market supplies.
Virginia Unionist John Minor Botts meets with Lincoln and learns of the April 4th proposal to John Baldwin; like the Baldwin meeting, this encounter is controversial. |
April 9, 1861 | The Confederate Cabinet concurs with President Davis's order to General Beauregard that Fort Sumter should be reduced before the relief fleet arrives. | |||||
April 10, 1861 |
Confederate Secretary
of War Leroy Pope Walker orders Beauregard to demand the evacuation of
Fort Sumter, under threat of bombardment.
The Sumter relief fleet begins to leave New York harbor. |
April 11, 1861 | (2:20 p.m.) Gen. Beauregard
demands the evacuation of Fort Sumter.
(5:10, approx.) Anderson refuses, but adds, "if you do not batter us to pieces we will be starved out in a few days." Beauregard communicates this comment to the Confederate government and asks for instructions. (9:10 p.m.) Beauregard is instructed: "If Major Anderson will state the time at which, as indicated by him, he will evacuate, and agree that in the mean time he will not use his guns against us unless ours should be employed against Fort Sumter," then Fort Sumter should not be bombarded. |
April 12, 1861 |
(12:45 a.m.) Beauregard asks Anderson if he can
comply with the demands of the Confederate government. Anderson
offers to evacuate on April 15th at noon, but declines to promise not
to use his guns in support of any operations under the United States
flag. This is considered unsatisfactory.
(3:00 a.m.) Elements of the relief fleet begin to gather outside Charleston Harbor. (3:20 a.m.) Anderson is informed that the Confederates will open fire in one hour. (4:30 a.m.) Confederate batteries open fire on Fort Sumter. |
April 13, 1861 | (9:00 a.m.)
Fire breaks out inside Fort Sumter and
begins to threaten the magazine.
(2:30 p.m., approximately) Maj. Anderson surrenders after a 34 hour bombardment. |
April 14, 1861 | During the surrender ceremonies, a cannon misfires, killing Federal Private Daniel Hough and mortally wounding Pvt. Edward Galloway; four others (Privates George Fielding, John Irwin, George Pinchard, and James Hayes) are wounded, but only Fielding seriously enough to be sent to a Charleston hospital. These were the only casualties of the crisis. | |||||
April 17, 1861 | Virginia secedes, subject to a referendum to be held on May 23. | |||||
May 6, 1861 | Arkansas secedes. | |||||
May 20, 1861 | North Carolina secedes. | |||||
May 23, 1861 | Virginia's referendum on secession passes, 126,000--20,400. | |||||
June 8, 1861 | Tennessee secedes. |
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Date of last revision: July 16, 2023