House Resolution in Support of Major Anderson

January 7, 1861

Congressman Garnett Adrain, of New Jersey
This very brief resolution generated---perhaps predictably--- several columns' worth of commentary and parilamentary maneuver in the Congressional Globe.  The Southern members simply did not have the votes to prevent passage of the resolution, but they did try, very hard.  Since the various online sources for the Congressional Globe seem to be in a state of flux, PDF images of the relevant pages may be found here

Resolved, That we fully approve of the bold and patriotic act of Major Anderson in withdrawing from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and of the determination of the President to maintain that fearless officer in his present position; and that we will support the President in all constitutional measures to enforce the laws and preserve the Union.

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Source:  Congressional Globe, 36th Congress, 2nd Session, Part 1, p. 280--82.  PDF images of the relevant pages may be found here. 

Date added to website:  January 8, 2025.