the Confederate "commissioners" arrived in Washington around the time
of Lincoln's inaugural, they dealt with Secretary of State Seward
through intermediaries (Sen. William Gwin of California, Sen. R.M.T.
Hunter of Virginia, finally Associate Justice of the Supreme Court John
Campbell). Throughout this process, Seward gave them to
understand---largely because he was playing his own game to seize
control of the Lincoln Administration---that Fort Sumter would be
evacuated "soon," although the definition of "soon" was very
elastic. When it became evident that an expedition to relieve
Fort Sumter was in fact being sent, they demanded an answer to their
original March 13, 1861 request for a meeting, and received this
document as the reply, on April 8, 1861.
Mr. John Forsyth, of the State of
Alabama, and Mr. Martin J. Crawford, of the State of Georgia, on the 11th
inst., through the kind offices of a distinguished Senator, submitted to the
Secretary of State their desire for an unofficial interview. This request was,
on the 12th inst., upon exclusively public considerations, respectfully
declined. On the 13th inst., while the
Secretary was preoccupied, Mr. A. D. Banks, of Virginia, called at this
Department, and was received by the Assistant Secretary, to whom he delivered a
sealed communication, which he had been charged by Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford
to present to the Secretary in person. In that communication Messrs.
Forsyth and Crawford inform the secretary of State that they have been duly
accredited by the Government of the Confederate States of America as
commissioners to the Government of the United States, and they set forth the objects
of their attendance at Washington. They observe that seven States of the
American Union, in the exercise of a right inherent in every free people, have
withdrawn, through conventions of their people, from the United States,
reassumed the attributes of sovereign power, and formed a government of their
own, and that those Confederate States now constitute an independent
nation, de facto and de jure and possess a
government perfect in all its parts, and fully endowed with all the means of
self-support. Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, in
their aforesaid communication, thereupon proceeded to inform the Secretary
that, with a view to a speedy adjustment of all questions growing out of the
political separation thus assumed, upon such terms of amity and good will as
the respective interests, geographical contiguity, and the future welfare of
the supposed two nations might render necessary, they are instructed to make to
the Government of the United States overtures for the opening of negotiations,
assuring this Government that the President, Congress, and the people of the
Confederate States earnestly desire a peaceful solution of these great
questions, and that it is neither their interest nor their wish to make any
demand which is not founded in the strictest justice, nor do any act to injure
their late confederates. After making these statements,
Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford close their communication, as they say, in
obedience to the instructions of their Government, by requesting the Secretary
of State to appoint as early a day as possible, in order that they may present
to the President of the United States the credentials which they bear and the
objects of the mission with which they are charged. The Secretary of State frankly
confesses that he understands the events which have recently occurred, and the
condition of political affairs which actually exists in the part of the Union
to which his attention has thus been directed, very differently from the aspect
in which they are presented by Messrs Forsyth and Crawford. He sees in them,
not a rightful and accomplished revolution and an independent nation, with an
established government, but rather a perversion of a temporary and partisan
excitement to the inconsiderate purposes of an unjustifiable and
unconstitutional aggression upon the rights and the authority vested in the
Federal Government, and hitherto benignly exercised, as from their very nature
they always must so be exercised, for the maintenance of the Union, the
preservation of liberty, and the security, peace, welfare, happiness, and
aggrandizement of the American people. The Secretary of State, therefore, avows
to Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford that he looks patiently, but confidently, for the
cure of evils which have resulted from proceedings so unnecessary, so unwise,
so unusual, and so unnatural, not to irregular negotiations, having in view new
and untried relations with agencies unknown to and acting in derogation of the
Constitution and laws, but to regular and considerate action of the people of
those States, in cooperation with their brethren in the other States, through
the Congress of the United States, and such extraordinary conventions, if there
shall be need thereof, as the Federal Constitution contemplates and authorizes
to be assembled. It is, however, the purpose of
the Secretary of State, on this occasion, not to invite or engage in any
discussion of these subjects, but simply to set forth his reasons for declining
to comply with the request of Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford. On the 4th of March instant, the
then newly elected President of the United States, in view of all the facts
bearing on the present question, assumed the Executive Administration of the
Government, first delivering, in accordance with an early, honored custom, an
inaugural address to the people of the United States. The Secretary of state
respectfully submits a copy of this address to Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford. A simple reference to it will be
sufficient to satisfy these gentlemen that the Secretary of State, guided by
the principles therein announced, is prevented altogether from admitting or
assuming that the States referred to by them have, in law or in fact, withdrawn
from the Federal Union, or that they could do so in the manner described by
Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, or in any other manner than with the consent and
concert of the people of the United States, to be given through a National
Convention, to be assembled in conformity with the provisions of the
Constitution of the United States. Of course, the Secretary of State cannot act
upon the assumption, or in any way admit that the so-called Confederate States
constitute a foreign power, with whom diplomatic relations ought to be
established. Under these circumstances, the
Secretary of State, whose official duties are confined, subject to the
direction of the President, to the conducting of the foreign relations of the
country, and do not at all embrace domestic questions, or questions arising
between the several States and the Federal Government, is unable to comply with
the request of Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford, to appoint a day on which they may
present the evidences of their authority and the objects of their visit to the
President of the United States. On the contrary, he is obliged to state to
Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford that he has no authority, nor is he at liberty, to
recognize them as diplomatic agents, or hold correspondence or other
communication with them. Finally, the Secretary of State
would observe that, although he has supposed that he might safely and with
propriety have adopted these conclusions, without making any reference of the
subject to the Executive, yet, so strong has been his desire to practice entire
directness, and to act in a spirit of perfect respect and candor toward Messrs.
Forsyth and Crawford, and that portion of the people of the Union in whose name
they present themselves before him, that he has cheerfully submitted this paper
to the President, who coincides generally in the views it expresses, and
sanctions the Secretary's decision declining official intercourse with Messrs.
Forsyth and Crawford.
April 8, 1861. The foregoing memorandum was
filed in this Department on the 15th of March last. A delivery of the same to
Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford was delayed, as was understood, with their
consent. They have now, through their secretary, communicated their desire for
a definite disposition of the subject. The Secretary of State therefore directs
that a duly verified copy of the paper be now delivere |
Back to Civil War Chronologies (Main page) Back to Chronology of the Fort Sumter Crisis Source: Richardson, James D., A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, pp. 85--88. Date added to website: January 10, 2025. |