January 10, 1861, Lt. Adam Slemmer transferred his tiny garrison of
less than 100 men from Fort Barancas on the Florida mainland to Fort
Pickens on Santa Rosa Island. This led to several demands from
Florida officials to surrender the fort, all of which Slemmer
refused. The documentary record of some of these demands, taken
from The Official Records,
Vol. 1, pp. 337--339, is presented here. The correspondence regarding
the first surrender demand, on Jan. 15, comes first. That for the
second demand, of date Jan. 18, follows, below the double horizontal
line. All of this is excerpted from a lengthy report by Slemmer.
the 15th Colonel Chase, commanding the forces of Florida, accompanied
by Commander Farrand, late of the U.S. Navy, asked for a consultation,
at which Colonel Chase read me the following letter: HEADQUARTERS PENSACOLA DISTRICT,
January 15, 1861.
Lieut. A. J. SLEMMER, SIR: I have full powers from the governor of Florida to take
possession of the forts and navy-yard, &c., &c., in this harbor. I
desire to perform this duty without the effusion of blood. You can contribute
toward this desirable result, and, in my judgment, without sacrifice of the
honor of yourself or your gallant officers and men. Now, as commissioner on the
part of the governor of the State of Florida, I request the surrender of Fort
Pickens and the public property it contains into my hands, to be held subject
to any agreement that may be entered into between the commissioners of the
State of Florida and the Federal Government at Washington. I would not counsel
you to do aught that was dishonorable; On the contrary, to do that which will
secure for you the commendation of all Christian gentlemen; and if you refuse
and hold out, for whom do you consent that blood shall flow--the blood of
brethren? Certainly not for the deadly enemies to the assaulters, for they are
not such, but brethren of the same race. If the Union now broken should be
reconstructed Fort Pickens and all the public property
passes peacefully under Federal authority. If a Southern Confederacy separates
itself from the Union would it not be worse than folly to attempt the
maintenance of Fort Pickens or any other fortified place within its limits! Listen to me, then, I beg of you, and act with me in
preventing the shedding the blood of your brethren. Surrender the fort. You and
your command may reoccupy the barracks and quarters at Barrancas on your simple
parole to remain there quietly until ordered away, or to resume the command of
the harbor should an adjustment of present difficulties in the Union be arrived
at. All the baggage and private property of any kind belonging
to yourself, officers, men, and their families shall be preserved to you.
Consider this well, and take care that you will so act as to have no fearful
recollections of a tragedy that you might have averted, but rather to make the
present moment one of the most glorious, because christianlike, of your life. I beg of you to receive this communication in the same
spirit in which it is offered. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
WM. H. CHASE. I asked, "How many men have you?" The colonel
answered, "Tonight I shall have between eight and nine hundred." I
then said that I would consider his letter, and would give my answer the next
morning. [deletion] The next morning I saw with surprise both vessels under way
going out of the harbor. I immediately sent a boat with Lieutenant Gilman to
learn the cause of the movement. Captain Walke desired Lieutenant Gilman to go
on board the Wyandotte---that he would join him there. On Lieutenant Gilman's
representations Captain Walke ordered the Wyandotte to stay and render us
assistance, and take us off if necessary on being overcome by a superior force.
The following letter was then sent to Colonel Chase at the navy-yard: FORT PICKENS, FLA.,
Pensacola Harbor, January 16, 1861. Col. W. H. Chase, Commissioner for the State of Florida: SIR: Under the orders we now have from the War Department,
we have decided, after consultation with the Government officers in the harbor,
that it is our duty to hold our position until such a force is brought against
us as to render it impossible to defend it, or until the political condition of
the country is such as to induce us to surrender the public property in our
keeping to such authorities as may be delegated legally to receive it. We deprecate as much as you or any individual can the
present condition of affairs, or the shedding of the blood of our brethren. In
regard to this matter, however, we must consider you the aggressors, and if
blood is shed that you are responsible therefor. By order of A. J. Slemmer, first lieutenant, First
Artillery, commanding:
J. H. GILMAN, Second Lieutenant, First Artillery, Act. Adjt. of Post.
January 18, 1861. Lieut. A. J. SLEMMER, SIR: With additional re-enforcements to my forces, arrived
and expected, I would again request the surrender of Fort Pickens, referring
you to my first letter on the subject, and offering the same terms as contained
therein. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. H. CHASE, Colonel, Commanding Forces of Florida. Which was answered as follows: FORT PICKENS, PENSACOLA HARBOR,
January 18, 1861. Col. W. H. CHASE, Commanding Forces of Florida, &c. : SIR: Before I can answer your communication of this date, it
is necessary that I communicate with Captain Berryman, of the U.S. steamer
Wyandotte, co-operating with me. The result of such conference I will make
known to you to-morrow morning. By order of Lieut. A. J. Slemmer, First Artillery,
commanding Fort Pickens:
J. H. GILMAN, Second Lieutenant, First Artillery, Act. Adjt. of Post.
Back to Civil War Chronologies (Main page) Back to Chronology of the Fort Sumter Crisis Source: Slemmer's report, The Official Records, Vol. 1, pp. 337--339 Date added to website: January 10, 2025. |